steven went to go see "cloverfield" this weekend; i can't see it because i get motion sickness just from walking. surprise verdict: the audience HATED the movie. towards the end, someone yelled "oh hell no! this better not be the end of the movie!" and when it did end, there was loud chorus of booing all around. the worst response was that people wanted their money back, the mildest was that it was sucky blair witch rip-off. apparently no one was scared, either. ?? all i've watched are the commercials and i've been freaking myself out.

i don't know what people want in a monster moofie, but i guess random people being eaten by volkswagen-sized crab lice ain't it.




101 things in 1001 days, ending 10 oct 2010:

1. learn italian
2. learn tagalog
3. transfer all my cds to hard drive
4. catalog all music (eep)
5. clean desk at work. both of the them.
6. sort magazines
7. finish tatting project. any of them.
8. do the family tree
9. bake, decorate a wedding cake, not necessarily for anyone.
10. redo the 'rents kitchen
11. switch out all incandescent bulbs with energy saving bulbs in home where possible (FAIL)
12. send out at least one postcard a month to anyone
13. reupholster los angeles dining room chairs on my own
14. read any novel not written in the 20th century
15. learn how to play the ukulele
16. fix and finish knitted blanket that was supposed to go to ronan but will now stay at home
17. get thee to scotland, lassie!
18. scan family photos
19. recreate polly's chocolate cake or vargas butter cake (completed 15 jan 08)
20. bake a good gluten-free cake
21. quilt something. small, preferrably.
22. improve posture.
23. reupholster chairs at work (get someone else to do it)
24. get rocking chair bases for eames chairs
25. sort out lighting in manila condo
26. sort out lighting in los angeles condo
27. sort out lighting in guam condo
28. have a successful dinner party (ha!)
29. make that complicated empanada dough
30. make puff pastry (completed 23 jan 08)
31. go to japan
32. see REM live, before they break up (completed 1 june 08)
33. make a video
34. buy a video camera thingy so i can make a video (see 33)
35. learn how to use the video editing software on my laptop (see 33, again)
36. find out where all the fluids go in the car's engine
37. learn how to make cuchinta
38. bake, decorate volcano cake.
39. go to country i've never been before. (completed, april 08)
40. tattoo someone. something.
41. road trip!
42. find all my freakin' lynda barry artwork. where the heck has it all gone
43. complete adrian tomine collection
44. rearrange artwork
45. restart both 1k projs
46. get editor's suite in order
47. redesign laundry closet
48. use up all the sprinkles in the sprinkles box
49. try to fix all stupidity wreaked upon my bedroom by so-called architect
50. mural!
51. renovate la bathroom
52. renovate la kitchen
53. get decent rugs
54. reupholster guam sofa cushions
55. make catbus cake
56. give away all my moo cards
57. break out that gocco, give it a spin
58. get the car detailed
59. go to san francisco (completed 03 june 08)
60. return to bakersfield (completed 06 june 08)
61. send out xmas cards--on time
62. hike out to that weird encampment in the palisades
63. learn how to cut up the perfect mirepoix once and for all
64. enter a cooking contest
65. make croissants
66. throw out all my old makeup
67. get photos printed, enlarged, framed
68. find my old pez dispensers, find decent display case for them
69. meet a flickr pal for food (completed 10 june 08)

hey, i'm not doing too bad :)

thanks cathy for the idea!
